Imagine a world with no math. No way to calculate your batting average or track your Twitter followers. Say it Ain't So! This kind of world may seem funny to many of us, but living without math skills ...
Registration opens for Peoria's AM/PM Summer Camp for kids 5-14, featuring STEAM activities and daily field trips.
In fact, without regular access to books and math activities, many low-income children ... Activities are a blend of academic and social elements, to keep kids engaged and learning. SummerBoost Camp ...
(KTAL/KMSS)—The Caddo Parish Sheriff’s office is offering a camp for kids between the ages of seven and nine that teaches how S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math ...
New graduate students are expected to participate in Math Camp, an intensive review/summary of the mathematics necessary for the Ph.D. core courses. If, after Math Camp, a student determines that he ...