The Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Community is “finally” getting its new home in Redlands. Nearly 700 people gathered March 1, ...
Amid the recent spate of airplane disasters, one God-fearing JetBlue passenger has turned to the Almighty to keep her safe in the sky by anointing an aircraft with holy water prior to boarding. “In ...
On the Eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time, Father Innocent Montgomery of the CFR reflected on the season of Lent. It is often, with so many of us, that Lent can ...
According to tradition, this litany, approved in 1899 for public recitation, originated at Marseilles, where devotion to the Sacred Heart became very popular during the early eighteenth century.
Deacon Santo Nastasi Deacon Santo Nastasi, 84,  of Clarksboro, a retired deacon of the Diocese of Camden, died March 7.
The Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Community is “finally” getting its new home in Redlands. Nearly 700 people gathered March 1, along with city and church officials, to celebrate the blessing and ...