Proverbs 3:31 Related: These 111 Jesus Quotes ... jealousy more than all that their fathers had done, with the sins which they committed." - 1 Kings 14:22 31. "Hatred stirs up strife, but love ...
Jealousy—the green-eyed monster—can creep in during infertility, but it doesn’t make you weak. What if, instead of shame, you ...
I can’t wait for the day when I am truly stoked for this, and we can all play and love on each other. But I don’t want to “overcome the jealousy” or “deal with it”. I want being poly ...
perhaps with the exception of the lead singer of Ich troje (The Three of Them), who in 1997 proclaimed in a hoarse voice to his beloved that jealousy was driving him into such torment that he would ...