Naturally I wanted to see the white man win. Put the case to ... When African American Jack Johnson took the heavyweight title from the Irish boxer Tommy Burns, the race issue in sports reached ...
Jack Johnson marries ... they set sail for France. Johnson found a few fights in Europe, but his status as a fugitive made him much less marketable as a boxer, and the outbreak of World War ...
But in 1908, 39 years before Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in major league baseball, there was Jack Johnson ... not for the fact Johnson was the most dominant boxer of his time.
Tyson's win over Seldon left fans questioning the effort. Boxing has a storied history ... The heavyweight fight between Jack Johnson and Stanley Ketchel is shrouded in controversy, with many ...
But in 1908, 39 years before Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in major league baseball, there was Jack Johnson ... not for the fact Johnson was the most dominant boxer of his time.