The crisp, leafy green is easy to grow hydroponically, plus it's super versatile in the kitchen. Lettuce is an extremely fast ...
Lettuce is a cool-weather crop and can be planted in the spring once temperatures start hovering around 50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit consistently, says Ryan ...
Early sowing in March and April allows lettuce to mature before the weather gets hot, but for summer lettuce, chose varieties that grow better in warmer weather, such as ‘Thimble’, and plant them in a ...
The warmer and sunnier months are ahead, making it the perfect time to get into gardening. Want to grow a batch of lettuce that can last you a month? Monty Don shows you how.
lettuce, radishes, cabbage, kale and anything else that has instructions on the seed pack that tells you to plant in early spring as soon as the soil can be worked. Soil that drains well ...