Eight-month-old twins from Haywards Heath, West Sussex, have met the surgeon who saved their lives before they were born.
But with all of this bustling activity, few stop to think about the name ‘Haywards Heath ... the distinctively East Sussex hothe in place of the more usual heath v. Hoathly infra 270.” ...
Olympic gold medallist Dame Jessica Ennis-Hill has visited primary school pupils from across West Sussex to shine a spotlight ...
A former theatre in West Sussex is set to be turned into a three-screen cinema, a move which has prompted concern from residents. Clair Hall in Haywards Heath will be replaced with a cinema which ...
Sussex Police and the NFU have funded 1,000 specialist equipment marking kits in a bid to help farmers deter thieves from stealing vital farming equipment.
Police are appealing for information and witnesses following the collision in Haywards Heath. Emergency services ... and was taken to hospital. A Sussex Police spokesman said: “Officers are ...
New food hygiene ratings have been awarded to five of Mid Sussex’s restaurants, cafes or canteens, the Food Standards Agency’s website shows – and it’s good news for them all.
Plans to convert a former police station into 33 flats have been approved by Mid Sussex District Council. The application from ZMQL Ltd, for the site in College Lane, East Grinstead, was given an ...