SYDNEY Swans champion Adam Goodes planned to retire when he stepped away from the game midway through the season, but says the support he received from his club and supporters made him return to the ...
GEELONG coach Chris Scott says any fans that boo Adam Goodes from now on will be showing they are bigots. The Cats face the Sydney Swans in round 19, the first away match for the Swans since the ...
THE booing of Sydney Swans great Adam Goodes by certain members of the football public has surprised Paul Roos, who coached the dual premiership player and two-time Brownlow medallist for much of his ...
It was a show of support for Goodes when the booing saga of 2015 was engulfing the former Sydney champion. A few years have passed since that time and though it might be difficult to recall the ...
“All the booing situation and everything that’s gone on with Adam Goodes from this year — he’s been a player that’s polarised but I’ll always remember him as just a wonderful AFL ...