in fact more Buddhist sculpture and architecture comes from Gandhara than from any other part of ancient India. And here, in the British Museum, we have a Buddha sculpture that perfectly matches ...
This Bodhisattva belongs to the corpus of Buddhist schist statues from ... to depict the Gautama Buddha in the first century of the Common Era. Carving from soft schist, Gandhara's sculptors ...
Today, the place to reflect on that history is Wuwei's Baita (White Tower) Temple, where Phagpa lived until his passing in ...
Stone statue; from Gandhara, Pakistan It's morning in Battersea Park in London, and I'm standing near the river, next to the Peace Pagoda. Every day, watched by four gilded Buddha statues ...
The museum showcases over 3000 antique objects of Gandhara sculptures and the excavated Buddha's life story in Swat. Sri Lankan Buddhist Monks pay a visit to Butkara Stupa in the area of Swat The ...
in fact more Buddhist sculpture and architecture comes from Gandhara than from any other part of ancient India. And here, in the British Museum, we have a Buddha sculpture that perfectly matches ...