Have you ever thought about adding an aquarium to your home? They can be a fantastic addition to any household or worksp ...
Nearly a quarter of freshwater species face extinction due to habitat destruction, pollution, and water overuse.
The giant freshwater stingray may be the ... The rays have also been targeted for the burgeoning aquarium trade, though it is now illegal to fish for stingrays in Thailand.
A report has warned of a "catastrophic" decline in freshwater fish, with nearly a third threatened by extinction. Conservation groups said 80 species were known to have gone extinct, 16 in the ...
As far as fish go, the Asian arowana is one of the most expensive aquarium species sold in the pet trade. It is a freshwater fish that has people paying in the tens of thousands of dollars for the ...
After China's first "space fish farming" experiment yielded fruitful results, the "fish astronauts" are expected to embark on ...
A quarter of freshwater animals, including fish, insects and crustaceans, are at high risk of extinction due to threats including pollution, dams and farming, according to a new study published on ...
The freshwater species under threat of extinction include fish, crabs, crayfishes, shrimps, dragonflies and damselflies, ...