If you're looking for additional funds to pay for college, you may be looking at Federal vs. private student loans. After you're admitted to college, you’ll receive a financial aid package that breaks ...
Parent PLUS loans, issued by the U.S. Department of Education, help parents finance their child's education by covering costs not addressed by other financial aid. But what happens if a parent ...
(AP Photo/Rod Lamkey, Jr.) A temporary freeze imposed briefly this week by the White House on federal grants and loans left ...
There's no income limit on the FAFSA. A student can still file the form if parents are undocumented. The sooner you start saving for the college, the better. Navigating the financial section on ...
The Trump administration released a sweeping memo on Monday, suspending broad swaths of federal spending. Will student loan forgiveness and federal aid be impacted?
Just before the Trump-Vance administration's federal funding freeze was set to go live, it was blocked by US District Judge ...