For many people of various faiths, support for the scientific theory of evolution has not supplanted their religious belief. And throughout the modern Judeo-Christian tradition, leaders have ...
In March 1925, Tennessee became the first state in the country to ban the teaching of evolution in public school classrooms. Strong reactions rippled across the United States. The eventual upshot: a ...
Together, the two faced off in a contest not only between creationism and evolution, but also religion and science. Bryan, a fundamentalist Christian, was a leading champion of the anti-evolution ...
Darwin’s theory states that evolution happens by natural selection. Darwin was a natural science graduate of Cambridge University and a geologist. He was also a Christian. Darwin did not intend ...
EXPRECCE also produces an evaluation of how reliably the cultural survival and success of early Christianity can be examined experimentally within the framework of cultural evolution and what the ...
The project approaches these key questions concerning the rise of Christianity through the theory of cultural evolution, which seeks to explain the production, transmission, and change of culture in ...
Together, the two faced off in a contest not only between creationism and evolution, but also religion and science. Bryan, a fundamentalist Christian, was a leading champion of the anti-evolution ...