Then, on January 8, Musk disclosed during an online interview that there was now a third person with an implant. “We’ve got ...
Elon Musk said a third person has received an implant from his brain-computer interface company Neuralink, one of many groups working to connect the nervous system to machines. “We’ve got ...
A third person received a brain implant from Neuralink. Elon Musk said during an interview that Neuralink wants to implant ...
Founded in 2016, the Fremont, Calif-based Neuralink is currently working on ... a device that aims to restore sight, according to Musk. Designed for blind patients, it will “interface directly ...
Elon Musk said a third person has received his Neuralink implant and plans to give it to 20 to 30 more people this year, U.S. News & World Report reported Jan. 13. Details on the third patient ...
Since the first brain implant, Musk said the company has upgraded the devices with more electrodes, higher bandwidth and longer battery life.