Easterhouse buildings could start collapsing with “rogue landlords” making people’s lives a “misery” claim residents in the area.
The MP described former Conservative councillor Thomas Kerr who has defected to Reform as a "fantastic asset" to the party.
The body of a man has been discovered at a home in Glasgow. Police raced to an address at Lochend Path, Easterhouse, after receiving reports of the sudden death of a man at around 5.05am on Sunday.
WALK past St Benedict’s Primary in Glasgow at almost any time of the day, and you are bound to hear the sound of singing, maybe a gentle ...
A SUSPECT has been arrested following the sudden "unexplained" death of a man at a Glasgow home. Mercy crews raced to a property at Lochend Path, in Easterhouse, after the alarm was raised around ...
Two boys from an Easterhouse football academy have been selected to play for Scotland. Fifteen-year-olds Stuart Russell and Blake Murphy are currently in Spain with the under 16s SYFA Scotland select ...
An update on the progress of the Inner East Strategic Development Framework (SDF) was recently given to a Glasgow City ...
READ MORE: Glasgow council chief exec 'let down' by 'lack of honesty ... for regeneration which are located on the periphery ...
Tam Jamieson has urged Port Glasgow to get the job done with nine cup finals left to guarantee their promotion from West of ...
According to Glasgow Live, forensic officers have been ... we were called to address in Lochend Path, Easterhouse following the sudden death of a 52-year-old man. “The death is being treated ...