Beards must be "well groomed," according ... referring to the reality show. "No diss against Duck Dynasty. You're grinding in the woods all the time, you don't really have another option.
The Yankees’ announcement to allow beards is no doubt a surprising one since ... that he doesn’t want the players to “look like Duck Dynasty,” a reality show filled with men who have ...
"No diss against Duck Dynasty – you're grinding in the woods ... duck hunters Louisiana who had signature long hair and long beards] Gerrit Cole told reporters that Brian Cashman didn't have ...
That was a reference to the reality TV series that features some characters with flowing beards. “No diss against Duck Dynasty. You’re grinding in the woods all the time, you don’t really ha ...
"No disrespect to Duck Dynasty.'' Yankees notified of policy ... certain players was part of Steinbrenner’s Friday address. BEARDS IN THE BRONX: What would Yankees players look like with beards?
"No diss against Duck Dynasty – you're grinding in the woods ... “So let me get this straight… The Yankees waited 50 years to allow beards, but their only rule is: Don’t look like us ...
“No diss against Duck Dynasty, grinding in the woods all the ... while Hal Steinbrenner indicated the Yankees would release their policy for beard upkeep later in the day. Access the Yankees ...
"No diss against Duck Dynasty – you're grinding in the woods ... that Brian Cashman didn't have much to say on what the beard parameters would be, just that he didn't want the players looking ...