Some combine Europe and Asia into Eurasia, since the two are connected by land. Another model denotes Africa, Europe and Asia as one continent, Afro-Eurasia, because the "landmass is completely ...
Eurasia has no coordinating body to optimise the continent's economic development. The nearest thing is the AIIB, which wants to expand its presence in Europe by setting up an office to develop a ...
particularly important in relation to some of the major research issues surrounding the dispersal of modern humans on the continent. The perspective of this publication is on Eurasia as a whole, ...
This story appears in the May 2010 issue of National Geographic magazine. 69 photographers, 46 countries, 15 months, one mission: to celebrate wildlife and wild places on a continent more famous ...
The Europe, Russia, and Eurasia Program’s work seeks to develop a deeper understanding ... of U.S. support for Ukraine means Europe must now step up. Fortunately, the continent is on the verge of a ...