Chicago has been named the “rattiest” city for 10 years running, according to pest control company Orkin, and efforts to ...
Chicago Bird Collision Monitors is looking for more volunteers to patrol for injured and dead birds. If you’re interested, ...
It’s located within the Mississippi Flyway, a major migration route for birds traveling between North, Central and South America every fall and spring. Chicago is the deadliest city in America ...
An ornithologist spent four decades tracking 40,000 bird deaths at a single building. His records paved the way to better ...
CHICAGO — An ... to window strikes or birds flying around the lights until they die from exhaustion — a phenomenon known as fatal light attraction. New York City has taken to shutting off ...
This winter Chicago birders are on the hunt for hundreds of visiting species. Last year photographer Tarik Shahzad set the record, by logging 294 unique bird species all while working full time as ...
Decomposing birds attract rats and spread bacteria ... “A safe and healthy transit system is vital for our city,” Conway told the Chicago Sun-Times in an email. “I’ve urged CTA to ...
In a new study published in the Journal of Animal Ecology on March 24, scientists found that the egg-laying dates for 72 species of birds in the Chicago area have shifted by an average of 25.1 days ...