A concerned Chelmsley Wood trader said she was too scared to leave her shop alone at night due to gangs of masked youths hanging around. West Midlands Police and Solihull Council are planning a ...
You are invited to ... THE ULTIMATE CHRISTMAS, GIFT, CRAFT & VINTAGE MARKET 2019 in association with Chelmsley Wood Shopping Centre! Sunday 22nd December 2019 9am - 4pm - Free Entry Chelmsley Wood ...
If you have ever driven on the M6 near Birmingham, the chances are you have seen the tower blocks of Chelmsley Wood as you approach the city. For those living in the north Solihull neighbourhood ...
Firefighters were called to Chelmsley Circle, in Chelmsley Wood, just before 1.45pm. Footage posted on social media showed a single-decker bus well alight. Thankfully, no one was trapped or ...
Two crews attended the scene on Chelmsley Circle in Chelmsley Wood, dousing the flames while also protecting nearby Chelmsley Wood Shopping Centre. In a statement, National Express, which runs the ...
Officers were called to Chelmsley Wood, near Solihull, on Monday morning, police say. Harlee gets donations through his Facebook page, and then helps local charities and food banks. Harry ...
Firefighters were called to Chelmsley Circle, in Chelmsley Wood, just before 1.45pm. Footage posted on social media showed a single-decker bus well alight. READ MORE: Car theft gang guilty after ...