Its discovery on the balcony below his room has now further ... that would go beyond the contractual relationship of the Casa Sur hotel and its managers with the person who was staying there ...
The pop sensation passed away on October 16 at the tender age of 31 after a fall from his third-floor balcony at the Casa Sur Palermo hotel in Buenos Aires, Argentina. TMZ reports that several ...
As the news ricocheted around the world, fans and media swarmed the Casa Sur Hotel in the chic Palermo ... police said Payne ''had jumped from the balcony of his room,'' without elaborating ...
The two hotel employees, Martin and Grassi, were in the Casa Sur lobby on October 16 when ... kept Payne away from his hotel room, where a balcony posed a clear danger until the singer could ...
The ruling drops charges against three key defendants: Rogelio Nores, an Argentine businessman with US citizenship who had accompanied Payne during his trip in Buenos Aires; Gilda Martin, the manager ...