The elegantly carved feline figures from the third century B.C., unearthed by the British in northern India, embody both ...
I sometimes eat meat, but today it's all vegetarian! The dharmachakra, also known as wheel of dharma, is widely used as the symbol of Buddhism. It shows a wheel with eight spokes, representing the ...
By visiting these sites, not only can a religious experience be gained ... which is the main symbol of Buddhism. There is a Toran gate here, which depicts the life and teachings of Buddha.
Find out what percentage of adults have joined or left Buddhism, or remained Buddhist since childhood, in six countries. Pew ...
The cross is a key symbol of the Christian faith ... an important lesson of Buddhism. The middle of the wheel is the hub, which represents stability and moral discipline. The rim represents ...
When the great King Anawrahta of Pagan united the whole of Burma into a single kingdom in the eleventh century and made Theravada Buddhism the national religion, there were already in existence a ...
the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism, and the symbol of Tibet embodying the aspirations of the Tibetan people – will continue,” the Dalai Lama, who fled Tibet for India in 1959 ...