The brightest planets in January's night sky: How to see them (and when) Monthly skywatching information is provided to by Chris Vaughan of Starry Night Education, the leader in space ...
18 degrees east of the sun and at a magnitude of –0.4. A celestial object’s stellar magnitude describes how bright that object looks in the night sky, with the brightest stars being seen at a ...
Don’t forget to find Jupiter and Saturn in the evening sky. Jupiter is hard to miss. It’s to the right of Orion the Hunter in the western sky and since Sirius, the sky’s brightest star ...
Because of the strict mathematical definition now used, the brightest objects actually have negative magnitudes. Sirius, the most brilliant star in the night sky, has a magnitude of –1.46.
You can view the video of the bright green lasers in the sky above to see the “digital rain” yourself. It’s quite a striking view, especially against the dark backdrop of the night sky.
You might see all five visible planets in your personal sky at the same time. Watch our magnificent sunset every night this week ... you may see two bright dots close to the horizon.
Situated at Oahu’s westernmost tip, Ka’ena Point State Park is an ideal location for stargazing due to its remote setting and ...