A mum whose teenage son died after being diagnosed with bone cancer has called for more awareness of the disease's symptoms.
Those with advanced-stage prostate cancer experience leg pain when the cancer cells spread outside the prostate, blocking the ...
Tests showed she had osteosarcoma, a bone cancer affecting around 140 Britons ... has returned to school and has already undergone two sessions of leg lengthening.
Vets removed nine-year-old Calvin’s scapula — his shoulder blade —along with all traces of his tumor while keeping his leg ...
Valary Amondi, a young girl from Kisumu county, has been battling bone cancer since 2023. She got better for sometime and ...
Polycythemia vera leg pain Blood clots are one possible ... Polycythemia vera is a blood cancer that causes your bone marrow to make too many red blood cells. It can cause complications like ...
A new drug that works against the main types of primary bone cancer has been developed by researchers at the University of ...
HAMPTON, Pa. — A Hampton baseball player is suiting up to play the game he loves after a years-long battle with cancer. Aiden Hanna is making his return to the field with an attitude of showing ...
During a 2022 interview with KHOU 11 anchor Len Cannon, Turner shared that faith helped him through grueling treatment for osteosarcoma, a bone cancer.