The "Big Mac Index" was created in the 1980s by economists looking to evaluate the relative levels of affordability among ...
Akbar Novruz Read more According to The Economist, the Big Mac Index indicates that Azerbaijan's national currency, the manat ...
The national currency is the most devalued local currency in Latin America, according to the Big Mac Index published by the British media The Economist. This is a report called the Big Mac Index ...
Argentina's strong peso has pushed up local prices in dollar terms, with the country now having the most expensive McDonald's Big Mac in the region. It's pricier even than in Brooklyn, New York ...
In other words according to the Big Mac Index, the US dollar is cheap in Uruguay and well below what is considered the long term “equilibrium point”. The Big Mac Index was created by The ...
The analysis found that workers in Japan can buy 2.18 Big Mac hamburgers for their one hour of work at a restaurant or retail shop, compared to 3.95 in Australia and 2.56 in Hong Kong. The number in ...