Step up to a loaded barbell, keeping the barbell close to your shins, standing with feet shoulder-width apart. Tighten your abs, push your butt back, and bend at the waist, lowering until your arms ...
Why: “You can load up the weight on this row,” Samuel says. And that’s the benefit of this movement: By supporting your body against the bench, you can train your back muscles without ...
This way, you can focus on your back and not worry about keeping your torso up and stable during a bent-over row. To copy ...
“In contrast, rows target the back muscles, including the rhomboids ... which is best for adding size to your biceps? Flat bench vs incline: which is better for a bigger chest?
If you find you get discomfort in your lower back when you perform bent-over rows, then the seal row could be the alternative you need. By supporting your bodyweight on a weight bench your lower ...