Cacao ceremonies are being performed at yoga studios, meditation centers and sound baths. Here's the story behind this ...
A new wave of spiritual tourism is reshaping sacred ayahuasca practises in Peru ...
to partake in a traditional ayahuasca tea ceremony. About 50 people from hardware, software, and financial tech startups have passed through the program so far. A significant number come from the ...
Aaron Rodgers says he's experienced a "deeper love" of himself while using ayahuasca, a psychedelic ... revealed he participated in a three-night ceremony earlier this year that saw him drink ...
But in recent years, a boom in Western interest in psychedelics has started to reshape ayahuasca ceremonies and practise.
Growing numbers of tourists are travelling to the Peruvian Amazon to drink ayahuasca, a traditional plant medicine said to bring about a higher state of consciousness. Foreigners come looking for ...
It contained “la medicina,” a syrupy brown decoction of chacruna leaves and ayahuasca vines boiled down for two days and then decanted into old water bottles. At the start of the ceremony ...