Forty days after Pascha, on Solovki, where St. Hilarion presided over the Paschal services, the Lord’s Ascension was naturally also celebrated. Of course, the host of imprisoned priests and laymen ...
They’re waiting to find out if Ascension of Our Lord Church will have its last mass. The restructuring plan was first presented by the Diocese of Joliet in 2022, acknowledging that the ...
Q. 415. Where did the ascension of Our Lord take place? A. Christ ascended into heaven from Mount Olivet, the place made sacred by His agony on the night before His death. Q. 416. Who were present ...
The Feast of the Ascension is the fortieth day after Easter Sunday, which commemorates the Ascension of Christ into heaven, according to Mark 16:19, Luke 24:51, and Acts 1:2.
For Fr. Kyle Doustou, a priest of the Diocese of Portland and pastor of the Resurrection of the Lord parish in Old Town, Maine, the verses describing the Ascension also allude to something else ...