DAVID MONTGOMERY: Aortic stenosis is a tightening of one of the four major valves of the heart. The aortic valve is particularly important because the aortic valve is the gateway to the rest of ...
diseases of the aortic sinuses or the ascending aorta, rheumatic fever or rheumatic heart disease and infective endocarditis. (Otto CM, et al. Circulation. 2020;34A[e105, table 15]). Stage B ...
Surgery to replace an aortic valve is done for aortic valve stenosis and aortic valve regurgitation. During this surgery, the damaged valve is removed and replaced with an artificial valve. The valve ...
The aortic annulus was greater in athletes with BAV than athletes with TAV and non-athletes with BAV (p<0.001). Both athletic and non-athletic individuals with BAV had greater sinuses of Valsalva ...