Our new study, published this week in the journal Science Advances, compared changes in 745 proteins found in seabirds with ...
But typically the consumption of plastic just leads to chronic, unrelenting hunger. Some animals now live in a world of plastics—like these hyenas scavenging at a landfill in Harar, Ethiopia.
Biologging uses animal sensors to track ocean changes, helping scientists address climate, pollution, and conservation.
As plastic waste infiltrates every corner of the planet, scientists have discovered that some animals are evolving to survive — and even thrive — in plastic-polluted environments. Certain species are ...
A group of days-old pit bull puppies are receiving 'critical care' after being found abandoned in a plastic bin outside a ...
Ahmedabad: While citizens and civic authorities turn a blind eye to the plastic that is chucked out like confetti, stray animals are paying the price .
inside the plastic bin. The dog’s hair was matted and she was extremely malnourished, officials with the Hinsdale Humane Society near Chicago said. The animal rescue said Betty was only able to ...
Researchers from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) demonstrate that the way sardines eat, altered due to the ...
There are many ways to reduce plastic, and although it’s hard, it’s not impossible — that is plainly an excuse. We have to do ...