Scientists have debated where Prototaxites belong in the tree of life for over a century, but new a new study suggests it ...
The Wheel of Time's latest episode reveals Avendesora, but what is this ancient Tree of Life and what are its origins?
These Nubian kings left a centuries-long legacy in Egypt These Nubian kings left a centuries-long legacy in Egypt For ancient Egyptians, dance was a huge part of daily life For ancient Egyptians ...
Archaeologists have discovered the large limestone burial chamber of an unidentified ancient Egyptian pharaoh near the city ...
The burial chamber most likely belonged to a ruler in a line of kings once lost to history, researchers said. “It’s a new ...
DR JOANN FLETCHER:Welcome to Pa-Demi, an ancient Egyptian village where nobody's lived for over 3,000 years. An yet, believe it or not, it was once really busy, teeming with life, a very noisy ...
Egyptologist, Dr Joann Fletcher investigates what everyday life was like in ancient Egypt for an ordinary person. Joann explores how the people of Egypt lived by exploring their tombs, touring ...