The people or organizations that have been submitted for a Nobel Peace Prize must be dedicated to promoting peace, human rights, and other similar values. According to Alfred Nobel, this includes ...
In that provision, as in others, Alfred Nobel revealed himself as the idealist and the paradox which he was. The son of a Swedish armament maker ... give the Prize for Peace.
Alfred Nobel, the Swedish industrial giant and inventor, did not include economics when he put together his 1894 will and created prizes in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, and peace.
However, behind the Norwegian Nobel Committee’s unexpected decision to award this year’s Nobel Peace Prize to a Japanese ... “The heart of Alfred Nobel's vision was that individuals can ...
It said the decision to award the Nobel Peace Prize to Nihon Hidankyo is securely anchored in Alfred Nobel’s will to honor those who have performed the greatest or most outstanding activities ...
marking the anniversary of Alfred Nobel’s passing. Reacting to her Nobel Peace Prize nomination, Zuriel Oduwole expressed humility and surprise. “I have never sought recognition—only to ...
In 1895, Alfred Nobel signed his last will and testament, giving the largest share of his fortune to a series of prizes in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and peace – the Nobel ...