W henever we think of the Sahara Desert, the images that come to mind are vast stretches of sand and extreme dryness. But do ...
This video clip showcasing the BlackSpace Engine in action in Crimson Desert shows water movement as FFT Ocean Simulation and Shallow Water Simulation features dynamically illustrate waves and tides.
The documentary by Intl. Emmy Award-nominated filmmaker Rehad Desai shows a country's struggle to safeguard the supply of ...
Sometimes words fall hopelessly short. This might explain the silences between the two botanists as their vehicle crunches ...
Based on extraction rates detailed in a 2004 paper from the School of Oriental and African Studies ... changes to the desert and created much greater demands for water resources.
Summer storms can lift dust as high as 15,000 feet over the African deserts and then out across the Atlantic. Garrison and her colleagues discovered that a toxic fungal pathogen known as ...