It’s both.A hexagon is a type of polygon.A hexagon is a polygon with six sides and six internal angles.We can see that this shape is a regular hexagon because all its’ sides are the same ...
We’re at the Polygons annual party. It’s polygons only so to get a ticket, you have to be a 2D shape, with straight sides. Polygons can be grouped based the number of sides they have.
Polygons can be regular or irregular in shape. A polygon is ... fewer than the number of its sides. A hexagon will have four triangles. An octagon will have six triangles. So the sum of the ...
Polygons can look quite different, but have the same name. For example, look at these two shapes and count the sides on each. Can you see both shapes have 6 sides, so both shapes are hexagons.
We’re at the Polygons annual party. It’s polygons only so to get a ticket, you have to be a 2D shape, with straight sides. Polygons can be grouped based the number of sides they have.