By the 1860s, Britain was growing tired of maintaining its colonies. The costs, especially of defending British North America, were burdens that a growing number of British politicians could do ...
In the 1850s and 1860s, British North America became a popular refuge for slaves fleeing the horrors of plantation life in the American South. In all 30,000 slaves fled to Canada, many with the ...
The garden was laid out in 1869, but it was originally a large open space called the Bombay Green, meant for trading cotton ...
In fact, it was the antithesis of romance. It wasn’t until the 1860s when chocolate became synonymous with Valentine’s Day thanks to one British chocolatier. Chocolate itself first began as ...
By the 1860s, more than 1 million cards were in circulation in London alone. The British journalist and playwright Andrew Halliday was fascinated by these cards, especially one popular card that ...
Veteran naval historian Fuller, author of Clad in Iron: The American Civil War and the Challenge of British Naval Power and other works, takes a look at the crisis in British capital ship design and ...
This part will provide a narrative account of the history of the dissenting academies, their origins, developments, objectives, and differences, and their contribution to Protestant dissent and ...