Went to see loose ends and change this evening and the sound was terrible when change was singing his voice was not coming through clearly at all and the lady singers sound engineer not goodFull review by 687priscillaj
Oct 28, 2024
Show was fabulous great seats and a great venue . Staff for security and seating very nice . Bar staff slow and unhappy to queue 25 mins for wine in a plastic cup is not good enoughFull review by myring1
Oct 9, 2024
I went to see Jimmy Carr show yesterday. I was seated in the stalls, AA seat 20, and for the first 30 minutes, I couldn’t hear anything. From my position, I had a clear view of the technical console,…Full review by Basania
Yes you can. If you're not parking you can drop people off and pick them up in front of the hall. There is also an underground car park underneath the hall.